Wednesday, March 14, 2012

News flash

This may be shocking to some people, but I need to let everyone know that I live MY life for ME and only ME!!! I know that you may think this sounds horrible, but really at the end of the day it has to be that way. No one else is going to pay my bills, no one else is going to put food on my table, no one else is going to make me happy but ME. So yes I am going through this life doing for me what has to be done for me and I hope everyone else out there is doing the same. Does this mean I wouldn't bend over backwards for my family or true friends, of course not. I would do anything for just about anyone as long as it doesn't hurt myself, my life or my happiness, in fact doing things for people I love makes ME happy, so again, it's about ME. Is this selfish .... maybe, but why shouldn't it be? This is MY life, that I am living for....ME!! And until someone who I plan on spending the rest of my life with or children of my own come into my life, this is how I am going to continue to live my life. And I am tired of the judgment, lectures and finger pointing, because of the way I CHOOSE to live my life.

To be clear, MY LIFE consists of:

  • Spending 88+ hours a month coaching and taking care of 65+ cheerleaders and being a role model for these kids.

  • Spending 112+ night hours a month working in a hospital where I care for other people.

  • Spending almost every weekend at one of my crazy busy jobs.

  • Trying to get as much sleep as I can in between both those jobs.

  • Spending time with my awesome family and doing just about anything for them & with them.

  • Spending time with my true friends and doing just about anything for them & with them.

I think you can see I spend many hours of my life caring for, and doing tons for other people, some of which I don't even know!! So why shouldn't I spend the rest of my time doing what I want for me?!?!?! If you can't understand that my only judge is god, if you can't handle the way I choose to live my life, If you can't handle the fact that I am sometimes too busy and I am working too hard to give you a ton of attention, if you can't handle that I come first, if you can't handle that my family will ALWAYS come immediately after me and if you can't understand why it needs to be this way, well I am sorry to say you don't deserve to be in my life, AND I AM 100% OK WITH THAT.

You see I have made it this far in 30 years living my life for myself, doing what I want, when I want, wherever I want, and damn it I am happy about it!! Sometimes I do what I want and learn some very hard lessons the hardest way possible. But I am here telling the world that I did it my way and I don't regret anything I've done. Were some of my choices bad, probably, did I learn from them, obviously. Do I regret those choices and do I care what you think? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

I am a good person, I am a beautiful person, I am a good family member, I am good friend, I am a good coach, I am good at my job and I am a good cook. I like to eat, drink and have a good time. I am funny, caring, loving, fun, the life of the party, and pretty damn awesome, and I know this 1000% and I don't need confirmation about any of this from anyone but myself. I know all of this because I live my life for me, doing what needs to be done for ME. Do I sometimes forget to live my life for me, yes, but I am usually quickly reminded of the reasons I live my life for me and then I remember who I am, and how proud I am to be me. Maybe, if everyone stopped worrying about what everyone else in the world was doing they would be a shit ton happier also. Maybe, if everyone stopped trying to be something they weren't and they embraced themselves 100% they wouldn't be so angry, judgemental, or unhappy.

"Walk a mile in my shoes, see what I see, feel what I feel, THEN, maybe you will understand why I do what I do. Until then, don't judge me"

Thank you for reading MY blog..... =)

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