Thursday, April 22, 2010

Night shift facts

1. You never sleep as good during the day as you do at night.
2. People just don't get that the phone still rings when they call to leave you a message.
3. Not needing an alarm clock to wake up is damn near the best thing ever!
4. The best feeling in the world is walking out at 7:30am knowing you get to climb straight into bed.
5. I get paid more to work at night.
6. People are crazier at night.
7. Driving to and from work is awesome because you are the only one on the road.
8. Driving during the day makes you want to shoot yourself because all the idiots drive during the day.
9. You can go to work with your hair in a ponytail with no make-up and it is totally acceptable.
10. You gain weight working at night.
11. Sometimes mud coffee is the greatest thing in the world.
12. 5am is UGLY no matter how much sleep you got.
13. People think you are lazy because "you sleep all day"
14. Being busy at work is 100% better than being slow.
15. Night shifters are not as "tightly wound"
16. You know all the good 24 hour stores, because you cant stand to shop during the day with the "normal" people.
17. Doctors are way cooler at night!
18. All the crazy shit happens at night.
19. The lawn man, pool man, garbage man, delivery man and any other man that needs to make noise around your house is your enemy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekends...Oh how I love thee....

I am so thankful to be on my 2 day weekend. I need to regroup and sleep off my crazy vacation and work week.

Today we posted the tryout results from the weekend. It was so fun to hear all the kids reactions to their placements. I love seeing the excitement in the kids. I can feel it now, its going to be an amazing year. So far we have 9 teams!!! 2 hip hop teams and 7 cheer teams. Aerials is growing and getting better by the day, I really am honored to be part of something so wonderful!!!

Tomorrow I plan on sleeping in, doing laundry, hanging out with my PeeJay and taking it easy. I need a little me time!!!!

On a small side rant....Why are some people so out of touch with reality? It really confuses me.

Ok that is all...Goodnight followers!!

Post 1

Welcome to my blog...Exciting huh? Currently I am exhausted!! Last weekend I spent 6 fun filled sleepless days in Anaheim and Disneyland with Aerials all-stars, for the 2009/2010 season nationals. This weekend was tryouts marking the beginning of the 2010/2011 all-star cheerleading season. AND I managed to work Wednesday - Sunday night at NorthBay....Craziness huh?

For those of you who don't know, I sold my cheerleading business "CheerTyme" in September 2008 to a cheerleading and gymnastics gym also located in Vacaville called Aerials. This was probably the best decision I have ever made...EVER!!! Aerials hired me with the merge. Hiring me ONLY to coach has allowed me to get back to what I love doing most...working with the has been a wonderful experience ever since.

Back on subject, Last weekend was nationals. IT WAS AN AMAZING TRIP!! All of our cheer and dance teams placed in the top 4 in their divisions, we took home 2 national titles and a grand championship!!
The growth in the kids this season has been amazing. These same teams were lower in levels and placing much lower just 6 months ago. I couldn't be prouder of the 63 kids we put on the floor last weekend.

After two days of crazy busy competition I felt about 60 years old and looked almost as bad as I felt. But of course you can't keep me from Disneyland!!! I spent the next two days running around Disneyland with my coaches, parents, and kids. Of course we stunted and tumbled anywhere we could get away with it and had a blast!!

This weekend started the new 2010/2011 season (That's right only 5 days after we ended the 2009/2010 season) Saturday was cheer tryouts and Sunday was dance tryouts. Saturday took about 9 hours to place 75 cheerleaders, split teams, and set up a crazy practice schedule. This was record time compared to the 12+ hours it took us last year. Sunday took about 4 hours to place 27 dancers, split teams, and rearrange the practice schedule we had just set the day before. Oh and did I mention that I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night ;-/ Tonight I am holding up better than I did last night. I was damn near a zombie last night. Thank god its my Friday...well at least for my NorthBay job. It's a good thing too...My room, laundry, and PeeJay are in desperate need of some TLC!

Outside of my cheer life, things are also going well. I just mailed off a HUGE check to finish paying off my credit card/collection bills and I am only 1 payment away from paying off my little "incident" that occurred last July!!! Now its time to focus on paying off the lovely IRS who I am so very pissed at. As long as I stick to the plan I should have them paid off by June....then it will be time to MOVE OUT!!! Not that I'm not thankful for my family for letting me live back at home so I can finally get out of debt, but really it's starting to cramp my style! hahahaha.....Hopefully sometime in the near future I will be posting about my move out date!! Stay tuned!!!